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Eden Cuff

Eden Cuff - Botanical Stone
Eden Cuff - Botanical Stone
Eden Cuff - Botanical Stone
Eden Cuff - Botanical Stone
Eden Cuff - Botanical Stone
Eden Cuff - Botanical Stone
Eden Cuff - Botanical Stone
Eden Cuff - Botanical Stone
Eden Cuff - Botanical Stone
Eden Cuff - Botanical Stone
Eden Cuff - Botanical Stone
Eden Cuff - Botanical Stone
Eden Cuff - Botanical Stone
Eden Cuff - Botanical Stone


Our biggest dream here is to flourish as we nourish. So as we grow our little family business (flourish) and explore more sustainable practices (nourish) we are experimenting with a Made For You concept. Creating exactly what we need and handcrafting to order. 
Please allow up to 5-7 weeks for your Botanical beauty to be handcrafted and sent to your loving hands.
Thank you for choosing to order consciously.
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Please contact for available stones

This is no ordinary cuff. Made with our signature protective sage leaves that have been cast and moulded from a real white sage plant, and paired with one of the most beautiful pieces of turquoise I have laid my eyes on. It is a chunky piece like no other. Crafted in sterling silver, it has been made with an adjustable arm band that can be altered to fit your wrist.

* It is a thick silver that is designed to give a little so it can be opened. Be mindful though that excessive bending with force could damage it..

For those beauties out there that embody the jewels that they wear, it is a statement piece, a talisman,  a cuff you will want to pass down. 

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Turquoise is your go to for 

  • grounded communication 
  • Keeps you connected to the Earth 
  • Nurturing your heart and spirit
  • Maternal stone- great for mums 

Stone of the spirit of the earth, allows you to gently reconnect down, grounding your energy. She is a master healer, able to offer the true cause of dis-ease then  the pathway to cure with clear expression on and between all levels of self, spiritual to physical. Did you know that the more bluer the stone, the more it opens to spirit, while the presence of green opens one up to the goddess and the nature of earth. It is from this that Turquoise gets it's simple purpose with the human race 'The spirit of the Earth.'

Helps you to communicate your truth in a grounded and calm way. 

I am a river, blue with the ray of communication; lie quiet and in blessing of Ra look into the endless sky. Feel me open you to the purity, clarity and art of truthful voice, listen well as the Grandmother speaks her song and let it dance in your every cell.  

-Justin Moikeha Asar The Liquid Crystal Oracle

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White sage (salvia apiana)

The white sage embodies some of the highest wisdoms of the plant kingdom. It holds the essence of purity, embodied wisdom, and the practical application of spirituality. .
This sacred path assists with integrating the spiritual and physical worlds together, dissolving the boundary between the mundane day to day world and our spiritual life.
White sage helps to bring the knowledge from the mind down into the heart where it is embodied and transmuted into wisdom. 
It is the plant representation of turquoise which simple purpose is spirit of the earth, so that can also give you more of an idea of the magic this plant brings into our heart. 
This is an amazing plant to work with in times of meditation, contemplation and ceremony. 
Its planetary ruler is Mercury, corresponding to the air element or aether depending on whether you're looking at the 4th element or 5th element philosophy.

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