The Proteaceae family is one of the oldest plant groups in history, believed to have grown as far back as 80 million years ago, making them amongst the oldest flowers on Earth. This associates the Protea with longevity, vitality and life force.Protea takes you back to Source… to the beginning. This flower symbolises overcoming obstacles and finding the courage inside of you to make a difference in the world. A plant that comes to you when you have had to journey through the hardest of lessons and are finding your way back home.Interestingly, despite being native to South Africa, they were named after Proteus, the son of the Greek god; Poseidon. Proteus was known for his wisdom. He knew all things, from past to present, and future; but he didn’t want to share his knowledge with others. To avoid being caught by those seeking his insights, he would change his shape and escape. Said to represent metamorphosis and transformation, strength, resilience and courage; there is something truly beautiful and mysterious about its appearance. A beauty that stands out, embracing uniqueness and diversity; teaming with the boldness to create and accept the inevitable changes of life.

White sage- Salvia apiana
The White Sage embodies some of the highest wisdom of the plant kingdom. It holds the essence of purity, embodied wisdom, and the practical application of spirituality. .This sacred path assists with integrating the spiritual and physical worlds, dissolving the boundary between the mundane day to day world, and our spiritual life.White Sage helps to bring knowledge from the mind down into the heart, where it is embodied and transmuted into wisdom.It is the plant representation of turquoise, whose simple purpose is the spirit of the earth, which gives you more of an idea of the magic this plant brings into our hearts.This is an amazing plant to work with in times of meditation, contemplation and ceremony.Its planetary ruler is Mercury, corresponding to the air element or aether depending on whether you're looking at the 4th element or 5th element philosophy.

Fern-Cyathea australis
Ferns, to me, will always be markers of sacred spaces; an indication of the presence of mystery. They are sacred enough that it almost seems sacrilegious to think of picking them or using them for anything without very specific guidance. A plant that surpasses dinosaurs; Ferns have been around for millennia. A good reminder that magical herbalism isn’t always about use. The deepest magic of plants is often the gift of their presence, one you can enjoy without taking anything away from them; connected to the Earth Element.According to the Ancient Hawaiians, the Fern has a preserved biosphere; encompassing the surrounding area of the plant, extending less than an inch from its body. This biosphere is unlike anything on this planet, and cannot be explained by any scientific or biological terminology. It can be loosely described as a completely separate world from our reality, where its atmosphere is alien. It was believed that the spores were the main contributor to this force field, feeding and sustaining its metaphysical state. Because of this, Fern spores are the most ancient, pure, and unfiltered structure on this planet and who carries the uncontaminated codes of the primordial, the source of all intelligence, of Source (God) itself (pohala.net)

Eucalyptus-Eucalyptus robusta
Through healing and protection, the Eucalyptus Tree works quickly to clear a pathway to health. Not only is it fast-acting on the respiratory system and how we breathe, but keywords here are also clearing, and cleansing negative cycles; working when someone is stagnant, scattered or life seems fragmented. Working with this tree embodies an activation in the heart and throat chakras, bringing unison to deliver balance and wisdom. Old repeating cycles fall away to new pathways, and new wisdom organises thoughts and feelings to bring about realisations.Its planetary ruler is the moon and its elemental is Air.

White Bottlebrush-Callistemon salignus
Callistemon or White Bottlebrush plant magic works in the realm of letting go of the old so you can step onto new paths and journeys. Giving you the strength to move through major life transitions; from becoming a parent, to divorce, addiction, and finally letting go of bad habits... Callistemon assists with brushing away the past; helping you to let go of tension, struggle or fear associated with "being human". It holds the essence of abundance, laughter, and joy, connecting to the energy of the kookaburra.

Banksia- Banksia integrifolia
Through the transmutation of fire, it plays a vital role in the rebirth of this tree. On one level it could possibly kill it, but it also stimulates the opening of seed bearing follicles and facilitates the germination of new seeds in the ground - through death comes life. .This can be reflected within ourselves and how the banksia tree can work within us.It is a tree of rebirth and spiritual connection, opening the intimate pathways to the higher self so personal wisdom can be rediscovered. Working with this tree brings about vitality, a patience for the self and own journey of wisdom. .Balances pitta, the fire element and its planetary ruler is the sun. .These leaves have been cast from the coastal banksia found along queensland and nsw regions.

Syngonium-Mini pixie
These 2 little castings were taken from a variety called 'mini pixie'. This one was probably the most difficult moulding process of all the plants we work with! Perseverance was key! Ha!When researching this incredible plant, I was surprised to find that the five-lobed leaf shape of Syngonium represents the five Feng Shui elements; water, fire, earth, wood and metal. Thus it perfectly balances Yin and Yang energies and encourages positive Chi or energy! It also cleanses the air and is said to bring good fortune and prosperity into your home/life. (What better way than to wear one!).

Monstera-Monstera adansonii
Holding within them a rich history, they symbolise an honouring of our elders and their wisdom, respect and longevity.When grown in the home, their upright growth and vigour brings good fortune and abundance, which can be directed towards family, health, and business. I like to think of them as adaptable too, as they grow and move towards the light, they send down aerial roots to ground down their wisdom and strengthen their foundations. Due to the sheer size of their leaves, these were hand carved in wax.