Stone of the Spirit of the Earth. Allowing you to gently reconnect down, grounding your energy. She is a master healer; able to offer the true cause of dis-ease and the pathway to cure it with clear expression on & between all levels of self - both spiritual and physical. The more blue present in the stone, the more it opens to spirit, whilst the presence of green opens one up to the Goddess, nature, and Earth."I am a river, blue with the ray of communication... Laying quiet and in the blessing of Ra, looking into the endless sky. Feel me open you to the purity, clarity and art of truthful voice; listen well as the Grandmother speaks her song and let it dance in your every cell.''
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A master healer and the great grandmother of the mineral kingdom; she is a record keeper of wisdom from the ages. Helping to bring clarity, Quartz magnifies energies, and depending on the geometric structure within, can be attuned to different frequencies. Quartz offers alignment at the mental and emotional levels resulting in a profound clarity and self-acceptance that leads to action, growth, and healing. She is an amplification stone that magnifies your inner light; realigning you to your thoughts and feelings so you may take action and create a world that you truly deserve and desire. She increases our ability for telepathy, psychic abilities, and spiritual communication. She is one of the oldest crystals on earth."I am the white dove of infinite light, through time's immortal embrace, I serve all that ask. On this day, I have come to live within you, make a space in your heart and together we will amplify your light, letting your radiance live in every cell."
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Herkimer Diamond
Herkimer is a form of Quartz found in only one place on Earth, and is the hardest of all known Quartz, carrying a higher level of light.It is the stone of 'Oneness' with its ability to link the many parts of self into a unified whole and over time guide one to their true purpose in life. It assists by moving aside the interfering wills of others and allows one to creatively manifest their world free of outside influence. It is an important stone to activate psychic senses and telepathy, whilst at an emotional and mental level, her ability to blend thoughts and feelings allows one to have the realisation of their true path of action."Walk with me a while and you will come to see that all you wish to bring together is but one. There is no separation, or fear, except that which you choose to perceive."
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Amber is a tree resin that has fossilized over millions of years from ancient conifers and has a simple purpose: 'laughter'. This is the stone for those who find themselves trapped in life. Amber's sun~filled colour rays penetrate depression and empower the choice of new paths. Obstacles are laughed aside; lessons are learned and a new self is birthed. Brilliant for those whose response to life's struggles is to laugh and hide the pain and struggle that they feel inside."It is with joy and laughter that we shall anchor within the conscious self the reality of true spirit. Hold my hand now as we glimpse the perfection of universal light and the eternal sun that is one and all."
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With its simple purpose of 'Spiritual Truth', Sapphire is a powerful channeling and communication stone; opening all of the higher communication centers, opening psychic abilities, and infusing accuracy into intuition. Potently increasing the availability of spirit, Sapphire aids in the conversion of knowledge to wisdom; a gift it performs through the egoless anchoring of absolute truth. She has one of the most calming and peaceful energies available in the mineral kingdom, enabling one to feel free.A powerful anti-depressant, allowing those that are cut off from spirit and struggling to find beauty in one's self to reveal it, then by integration; purpose is reborn again in life."See the sun dance on the ocean... Allow my presence to descend from the blue sky above. Now feel my open arms hold you and all will be replaced by your own solar angelic embrace, blinding in its glory. A vision of truth revealed."
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From air and water combined, birthed through volcanic fire, and made physical in the Earth's sacred embrace. The Stone of service, she allows a harmonious blending of Emotions (Water) and Mind (Air), cooling all of the fiery areas into a soothing peace and calm. Larimar activates a fearless ability to flow through life. Calling you to service, a powerful reminder that we all have the gift of healing, though its path is infinitely different for each person."I am the teacher's teacher, igniting the playing field of life with the infinite pathways of joy and expression; each unique and all-important. Step into me, the unlimited nature of your creativity, growth, and knowledge will shine from you, with heart and mind at peace and calm in the ocean of unity."
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Chrysocolla Malachite
This stone is a powerhouse of epic proportions.If you separated the stone qualities, Malachite is a clearing stone - clearing away old patterns, programs, and pain in the body.She makes us aware of our pathways of healing or growth, then powerfully delivers awareness of that which blocks us. Malachite can find the seed of an illness or disharmony and then bring it to the surface for healing. She helps to clear away self-limitations and attachments to the past; she is the stone of courage.Chrysocolla holds the most feminine frequency there is. She teaches you mastery of the feminine path of power; embodied wisdom, compassion, and stillness. Whenever she comes into your life, it's to help bring awareness to your feminine side and pathways of growth. It may be possible that you have developed a dependence on the masculine methods of living and is urging you to step back into yourself; to trust and feel that which really resides in you, as all change and healing start from within.I feel that when the two are present together, they clear away the old archetype of wounding, ancestral pain, trauma and old-patterning. Bringing peace into your heart, allowing you to embody your highest wisdom with renewed strength and courage.
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Opal has a simple purpose: 'Emotional Magnification'. Up to 21% water, these mystical stones capture the dancing rays of light within its watery realm. Shining on the emotions that we sometimes hide in, or hide from, clearing away illusion so we can be completely truthful where our feelings are concerned. Deeply healing and personal, Opal heals emotions on a powerful level while teaching us to express our feelings with action and to respect the emotions of others to find mastery and balance. The Opals we use are Australian, connecting to the grounded energies within this land."Like the light of a thousand suns, I will shine and magnify you; making you aware of the role of emotion in the creative avenues of manifestation and judgment. Be aware as I enter you, I know no limit and seek to place you on your individual path of realisation by magnifying your emotional space. In your choice to begin our work, it is nearly over as realisation is the key."
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The stone of fearless movement. Combining the green rays of the heart with the yellow rays of your solar plexus; helping one to push forward from fear, to take action doing what they love most. Follow your heart; it will create the most beautiful experiences.The presence of Chrysoprase signals the opening of new higher pathways, taking action is important at this time! This stone helps us to recognise our infinite nature if we embrace unconditional love and, being of the green frequency, guides us in allowing that to come into the physical world."Feel my yellow fire blessing the solar center of self and link it to the pure green ocean of your unconditional heart. Under the perfected guidance of the eternal white light, you and I are now one."
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One of the most Magical stones you could wear would have to be Labradorite. Keeper to the realms of divine power, creation & freewill. Labradorite's shimmery iridescence has magical properties within. She is the stone of freewill, teaching us to be accountable for our manifestations. She helps us to direct our focus... to clear our mind and heart so we can feel into what we wish to create. When you're feeling scattered, easily affected/influenced by other people's energy fields and not in a good way, this is the stone to seek."Enter my light & accept my truths and blessings... for in the darkness of my physical form I hide the endless lights of the Universe. I am an infinite resource of all that was, is and can ever be. Let us reopen the doors of understanding so that you may see again that the power of change rests in your hands. Go forth and light the torch of freewill and creation.''
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