Well. If you have been looking for a mutha chunky one of a kind cuff look no further. These cuffs are truly next level stunning. Handcrafted in solid brass, with two of our signature fern leaves, surrounding a Very. Large. Chunky. Double terminated piece of quartz!
Adjustable cuff that can be *gently opened and manoeuvred to put on arm.
To me, ferns will always be markers of sacred spaces; an indication of the presence of mystery. They are sacred enough that it almost seems sacrilegious to think of picking them or using them for anything without very specific guidance. A plant that surpasses dinosaurs; Ferns have been around for millennia. A good reminder that magical herbalism isn’t always about use. The deepest magic of plants is often the gift of their presence, one you can enjoy without taking anything away from them. Connected to the Earth Element but to look abit deeper, the way their leaves grow curled towards the sky, and how delicate their leaves are like tiny antenna, I would also say that they are communicators - bringing down the wisdom from spirit into the Earth. A very important job indeed.
According to the Ancient Hawaiians, the Fern has a preserved biosphere; encompassing the surrounding area of the plant, extending less than an inch from its body. This biosphere is unlike anything on this planet, and cannot be explained by any scientific or biological terminology. It can be loosely described as a completely separate world from our reality, where its atmosphere is alien. It was believed that the spores were the main contributor to this force field, feeding and sustaining its metaphysical state. Because of this, Fern spores are the most ancient, pure, and unfiltered structure on this planet and who carries the uncontaminated codes of the primordial, the source of all intelligence, of Source (God) itself (pohala.net)
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Quartz is your go too for
- clarity
- Amplifies your intuition
- Record keeper - unlocking the path to the wisdom within yourself
A master healer and the great grandmother of the mineral kingdom; she is a record keeper of wisdom from the ages. Helping to bring clarity, Quartz magnifies energies, and depending on the geometric structure within, can be attuned to different frequencies. Quartz offers alignment at the mental and emotional levels resulting in a profound clarity and self-acceptance that leads to action, growth, and healing. She is an amplification stone that magnifies your inner light; realigning you to your thoughts and feelings so you may take action and create a world that you truly deserve and desire. She increases our ability for telepathy, psychic abilities, and spiritual communication. She is one of the oldest crystals on earth.
"I am the white dove of infinite light, through time's immortal embrace, I serve all that ask. On this day, I have come to live within you, make a space in your heart and together we will amplify your light, letting your radiance live in every cell."
- The Liquid Crystal Oracle